What Happens to Composite Bonding Overtime
Dental composite bonding helps add years to your natural smile and is a pain-free, cost-effective solution for many cosmetic issues one may have with their teeth. The materials used for composite bonding last for many years, with good oral hygiene habits and regular visits to the dentist.
Our dentist recommends a bonding treatment for multiple situations, such as composite resin to fill chips, fix cracks and mask tooth discoloration.
What is Dental Bonding?
This is also known as tooth bonding. It is a non-surgical treatment for dental cosmetic problems. There are two types of dental bonding; adhesive bonding and composite bonding. Composite bonding involves your dentist applying a tooth-colored composite material to your teeth to help repair discoloration gaps or chips.
Once the composite material has dried, it’s polished to match your natural teeth. Next, an etchant attaches the dental bonding material to your teeth for adhesive bonding, such as crowns, veneers and bridges.
However, composite bonding is the more affordable of the two, and each type of bonding has its merits.
How can You Tell if You Should Replace Dental Bonding?
The material used to make dental bonding is not as hard as your natural teeth. However, it can wear down, break, chip off or get stained. So it means that composite dental bonding will not last forever. You should know that it’s time to replace your bonding when it starts to chip this color or feel rough. For instance, sharp or lifted corners might indicate that it’s time to call your dentist in Spirit Lake.
In addition, if you have changes in the way you are bite feels might also indicate that your bonding has become loose.
You should not overlook any signs of worn bonding. Loose composite resin can chip teeth or leave them vulnerable to other damage.
How Long Does Composite Bonding Last?
During composite bonding, tooth-colored composite raising material is applied to your teeth. The material is used to reshape the truth or to repair blemishes or chips. Composite bonding has been used in cosmetic dentistry for several decades as a less expensive method of creating a friendly smile.
When the dentist does the composite bonding artfully on your front teeth, it makes them look beautiful. However, composite rising bonding doesn’t last forever. The bonding resin is held together with plastic and will chip and wear over time.
They usually look great for four to five years before needing to be touched up. After that, the shine tends to wear off at first, and then stains will form at the edges. Usually, people replace all the composite bonding at ten years.
How to Make Dental Bonding Last as Long as Possible
Having good dental hygiene practices helps extend the lifespan of your natural teeth and any dental bonding you have. One benefit of composite dental bonding is that one cares for the resin in much the same way that one cares for their natural teeth.
When you have the bonding procedure done, your dentist at Great Lakes Dental Associates will provide suggestions to ensure you enjoy the dental results as long as possible. The tips include the following:
- You should brush your teeth at least twice daily, and I’m sure you take some care not to brush too vigorously. You should use a quality toothbrush and toothpaste, and I’m sure you replace your toothbrush about four times a year.
- Ensure you floss regularly and apply correct flossing techniques. If you don’t know how to floss right, your dental professional will help you.
- You should be careful about chewing on fingernails, hard candy or other harsh substances with the bonded parts of your teeth.
- Also, you should include regular dental checkups with your dentist as part of your dental hygiene routine.
- For the first few days after your bonding procedure, ensure you avoid consuming items that can stain. For example, coffee, tea and cigarettes.
Additional Tips for Caring Dental Bonding
Other tips for caring for dental bonding include:
Protect teeth from Bruxism: If you clench and grind your teeth, the plastic feelings can easily be overloaded. This can cause dental bonding to crack, or chip and other teeth can have the same detrimental impact.
To prevent this from damaging your teeth, it’s essential to wear a mouth guard that protects the teeth from the effects of Bruxism. In addition, your dentist can provide a customized mouth guard for teeth grinding if necessary.