What Does It Mean To Get Your Teeth Bonded?

What Does It Mean To Get Your Teeth Bonded?

February 1, 2022

Do you need a chance to drastically transform your smile overnight? Although it may seem impossible to achieve a beautiful smile overnight when you have many dental flaws, it is achievable through teeth bonding.

What Is Dental Bonding?

It is a dental procedure in cosmetic dentistry done to alter the appearance of teeth. A dentist will employ dental bonding protocols if you have damaged teeth that affect the aesthetics of your smile.

Dentists use dental bonding to restore teeth in different aspects, including their shape, size, color, and overall alignment. Ideally, dental bonding provides an aesthetic alternative to improving your smile on various fronts.

What Does Teeth Bonding Entail?

When your dentist recommends that you get your teeth bonding, the following are some of the things you should expect during your treatment:

  • Preparing your teeth – the dentist will use a cotton swab to apply a dental bonding agent on the surfaces of your teeth. The solution is for roughening your teeth, which will promote the adhesion of the material to your teeth.
  • Bonding – your dentist uses composite resin for the bonding process. The composite resin is in a putty-like state, which makes application easy. Upon application, the dentist will use a laser tool to harden the composite on your teeth. The resin hardens to mimic the surface of your natural teeth.
  • Finishing – the cosmetic dentist cleans off any excess resin while appropriately shaping the bonded tooth. Polishing is also part of the final stages of tooth bonding to ensure that your bonded teeth have a similar flare and luster as your natural teeth.

Why Should You Opt for Dental Bonding Procedures?

Although dental bonding is not the only cosmetic alternative that can repair and restore the appearance of your teeth, it is preferable for various reasons, including the following:

  • Less invasive approach – dental bonding does not involve trimming or shaving part of your teeth enamel, as is typical of other procedures like dental veneers and crowns. Instead, for the composite resin to adhere properly to your teeth, your enamels only need to be roughened with a conditioning liquid.
  • Quick solution to dental flaws – dental bonding procedures offer a quick fix to many dental flaws you may have. For instance, if you have crooked teeth, instead of wearing braces for many months to align your teeth, dental bonding can rectify the flaw in a matter of minutes.
  • Painless procedures – composite bonding does not involve any dental work that would cause you pain. Still, if your dentist near you needs to shape part of your tooth before the bonding process, local anesthesia will numb your mouth to ensure a painless procedure.
  • No downtime needed – since composite bonding is a painless process, you do not need to schedule downtime for recovery. As soon as you leave the dentist’s office, you can resume your normal life activities immediately.
  • You were boosting your confidence – if for nothing else, consider getting your teeth bonded as a measure to improve your self-confidence. Composite bonding improves the appearance of your teeth drastically, making you more confident in your smile.

Who Can Benefit from Dental Bonding?

At Great Lakes Dental Associates, we do not restrict any patients from trying out cosmetic procedures to improve the appearance of their smiles. However, we offer guided instructions and recommendations for patients based on their needs and preferences. Children need the consent of their parents and guardians before getting their teeth bonded. Other than that, dental bonding will suit you if you have any of the following dental flaws:

  • Spaces between teeth, not caused by premature tooth loss – occur due to having small teeth or a misaligned jawbone. Instead of orthodontics, we can help close the spaces between your teeth with cosmetic bonding.
  • Chipped or broken teeth – you do not have to extract your tooth because it is cracked, chipped, or broken when you can rely on composite teeth bonding.
  • Discolored teeth – patients with stubborn stains on their teeth benefit from composite bonding, particularly when professional teeth whitening is not effective enough to remove all the stains from the enamel.
  • Crooked teeth – are another orthodontic problem, fixable with dental bonding as an alternative to wearing braces.
  • Unusually shaped teeth – whether your teeth are unusually short, pointy, rounded, or unevenly shaped, composite bonding can restore their shapes.
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